This chapter opens with a conversation between the captain of a fishing vessel and the general of the sea region. The captain tells the general that his livelihood depends on going to sea to fish, and that if he can't go out to sea, how is he supposed to make a living? The general tells the captain that the military commander has issued an order prohibiting all ships from leaving the harbor without permission. The general asks the captain if he is responsible if something happens, and the captain replies that he isn't, but that the order concerns everyone's livelihoods. He says that he's just there to convey the order, and if the captain doesn't abide by it, he'll be out of a job. This is the first time the general has heard of the martial arts academy from Songyang, and he says that the people there are "vicious" and should be careful once they get back to the island. He also says that if the academy continues to spout nonsense, the general will "take everything by force" and that he heard the people from the island were vicious. He tells the commander of the ship to be careful when he gets back, because the academy head is going to thank him with "the utmost sincerity" when he returns. The ship is carrying a group of martial arts students from the academy, and they're defying the military order to leave the harbor. They should be used as food for the fish, the captain tells them. They're all cowards and should have a fight with him if they dare. He's going to wait until his "next life" to