In this chapter, the master of the flame altar, who is also known as the Great Elder of the Flame Sect, tells us that he has reached the ninth peak level of his holy fire. He says that he is not sure that he can defeat anyone in the martial arts world, but he is confident that he will be able to do so. He explains that the flame sect has been banished from the great wu for long periods of time because of cangming, but that they were forced to return to the altar after many years of hardship because they have cultivated their powers to such an extent that they are now invincible. He tells us about the murderer of gongsun tai, whom he has sent men to find. The murderer's name is Lin wutian, and he has killed the elder of nine cauldron Palace, the leader of the West sea clans, the founder of the eight secret sect, and a miracle healer. The gao family has pledged their loyalty to the murderer, and even the grandmaster of the eastern region has pledged his allegiance to him. The master asks if there really is someone so remarkable and remarkable in wu besides the long-time cangmaster. He also asks if the murderer is the reincarnation of heavenly fiend star, and if he is still dissatisfied with his life. The Master says that if he goes to the nine cauldron palace in a hurry, he will kill them if they are displeased. He then asks if he can go knock on their door, and the gao patriarch says that they should lead the way to the palace.