Reborn To Be A Great God • Chapter 202 • Page ik-page-4723275
Chapter 202
This is a locked chapterChapter 202
About This Chapter
In this chapter, we learn that the location of the "spiritual fruit" is in the "extreme north" of Russia, near the peak of Mount Mandula. This is where the xifans live, and they are brutal and brave fighters. They are rumored to be on the move to the Russian border city of Nuha'er for the spiritual line.
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Reborn To Be A Great God • Chapter 202 • Page ik-page-4723275
Chapter 202
This is a locked chapterChapter 202
About This Chapter
In this chapter, we learn that the location of the "spiritual fruit" is in the "extreme north" of Russia, near the peak of Mount Mandula. This is where the xifans live, and they are brutal and brave fighters. They are rumored to be on the move to the Russian border city of Nuha'er for the spiritual line.
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