In this chapter, the young master of the nine cauldron palace, Lin, is introduced to his maid, Zheyue, who tells him that she is his servant and that he looks like an "average guy" to her. The young master is also introduced to two other practitioners of the martial arts, the gao and the jiangzhou families. The gao family is a family that has been practicing martial arts for thousands of years. The jiang family practitioners are renowned for their ability to identify and store herbs. They are also known for refining their medicines to full purity with the use of nine cauldrons. Lin is excited to meet the other practitioners, but he warns them not to cause trouble.
In this chapter, the young master of the nine cauldron palace, Lin, is introduced to his maid, Zheyue, who tells him that she is his servant and that he looks like an "average guy" to her. The young master is also introduced to two other practitioners of the martial arts, the gao and the jiangzhou families. The gao family is a family that has been practicing martial arts for thousands of years. The jiang family practitioners are renowned for their ability to identify and store herbs. They are also known for refining their medicines to full purity with the use of nine cauldrons. Lin is excited to meet the other practitioners, but he warns them not to cause trouble.