Reborn To Be A Great God • Chapter 143 • Page ik-page-4273145
Chapter 143
This is a locked chapterChapter 143
About This Chapter
This chapter opens with a young man from a martial arts academy asking the head of the hall why he started a fight. The head tells him that the hall is not impressive. The young man tells the head that he is from the academy of martial arts and that he thought the hall would be the pinnacle of the martial arts world. He is shocked that the head would insult the academy. The man asks the head if he has a letter, and the head replies that his past is not worth mentioning. The monk tells the young man that martial arts is a sacred place, and that the attendant who overvalues his birth status is against the values of the school. He fires the attendant and tells him to settle his pay with an accountant. The disciple tells the monk that when he beat the attendant, he helped all of the students vent their frustrations. The disciples decide to gather at a restaurant and drink.
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Reborn To Be A Great God • Chapter 143 • Page ik-page-4273145
Chapter 143
This is a locked chapterChapter 143
About This Chapter
This chapter opens with a young man from a martial arts academy asking the head of the hall why he started a fight. The head tells him that the hall is not impressive. The young man tells the head that he is from the academy of martial arts and that he thought the hall would be the pinnacle of the martial arts world. He is shocked that the head would insult the academy. The man asks the head if he has a letter, and the head replies that his past is not worth mentioning. The monk tells the young man that martial arts is a sacred place, and that the attendant who overvalues his birth status is against the values of the school. He fires the attendant and tells him to settle his pay with an accountant. The disciple tells the monk that when he beat the attendant, he helped all of the students vent their frustrations. The disciples decide to gather at a restaurant and drink.
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