Reborn To Be A Great God • Chapter 190 • Page ik-page-4639115
Chapter 190
This is a locked chapterChapter 190
About This Chapter
Ittosai has written to Lin-Wuntian, asking him to fight him in a duel at the "Divine Dake Mountain" . The two of them have been invited to the mountain, but they refuse to accept the challenge. It is decided that the winner of the battle will gain control of a portion of their territories. The daimyo orders the soldiers to inform the enemy of the location of the duel, but the two men refuse to do so.
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Reborn To Be A Great God • Chapter 190 • Page ik-page-4639115
Chapter 190
This is a locked chapterChapter 190
About This Chapter
Ittosai has written to Lin-Wuntian, asking him to fight him in a duel at the "Divine Dake Mountain" . The two of them have been invited to the mountain, but they refuse to accept the challenge. It is decided that the winner of the battle will gain control of a portion of their territories. The daimyo orders the soldiers to inform the enemy of the location of the duel, but the two men refuse to do so.
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