In this short story, the protagonist, a girl named xinyu, shares a novel with her sister, a young woman named xiyu. The two girls discuss the plot of the novel, and xiayu reveals that she is engaged to a prince, but she feels insulted by the prince's lack of interest in her inner beauty. She wants to learn to do pull-ups to find the prince to take revenge on the prince. xiyue, an official in the prison, explains that pulling ups are good for health, but that doing them will not help her in her quest for revenge. She also explains that the prince and his family are complicated, and she has to prepare herself in advance.
In this short story, the protagonist, a girl named xinyu, shares a novel with her sister, a young woman named xiyu. The two girls discuss the plot of the novel, and xiayu reveals that she is engaged to a prince, but she feels insulted by the prince's lack of interest in her inner beauty. She wants to learn to do pull-ups to find the prince to take revenge on the prince. xiyue, an official in the prison, explains that pulling ups are good for health, but that doing them will not help her in her quest for revenge. She also explains that the prince and his family are complicated, and she has to prepare herself in advance.