Campus lakeside learns that the new general manager of the Zhejiang branch of the Xuanyuan court is a member of the family of tiangong, the father of jingtian, and a disciple of the mantian sect. He is also the leader of the huangqin gang, the most powerful underground force in the iron face organization. Lan says that he is waiting for his new boss to come for him. He tells Lan that the opening day for the project of the dragon will be tomorrow, and that the qianjun family will also be present, so their defenses will be weaker. Lan tells him that he was born this way, and he wonders how he can look so strong and good looking at once. The boss of the mandala company comes right away to tell Lan that last night the police forces of the town attacked and shut down factories belonging to the underground force of iron face. It seems the ouyangs are behind this, and they have sent a challenge letter to Lan. Lan decides that he will use a disguise to reveal his identity. He says that if the shanghua gang and the ironface become enemies, he will turn the zhengjiang branch upside down.