Wife Is School Goddess • Chapter 4 • Page ik-page-2429951
Wife Is School Goddess • Chapter 4 • Page ik-page-2429950
Chapter 4
This is a locked chapterChapter 4
About This Chapter
In this chapter, the gang is talking smack about the newcomer and how he's going to have to pay for his medicine. They're not going to let the newcomer get away with it, and they're going to beat him up for it. The gang tells the newcomer that he needs to pay the 2000 yuan protection fee. He doesn't understand, and the gang tells him to just obey them. The newcomer says that he just stepped on the gang's foot, and has to pay. They don't want the newcomer to get into trouble, so they've got to make him pay for medicine. Geez, that's a lot of money for a kid to pay to get his medicine! The gang says that the newcomer needs to stop acting like a punk, since the princess of the zheng family is starting to help people too. They say that the sky league is no one's business, since it's not their father's. They also say that if the newcomer can't pay, he'll have to go to the university and become a member of the gang.
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Wife Is School Goddess • Chapter 4 • Page ik-page-2429951
Wife Is School Goddess • Chapter 4 • Page ik-page-2429950
Chapter 4
This is a locked chapterChapter 4
About This Chapter
In this chapter, the gang is talking smack about the newcomer and how he's going to have to pay for his medicine. They're not going to let the newcomer get away with it, and they're going to beat him up for it. The gang tells the newcomer that he needs to pay the 2000 yuan protection fee. He doesn't understand, and the gang tells him to just obey them. The newcomer says that he just stepped on the gang's foot, and has to pay. They don't want the newcomer to get into trouble, so they've got to make him pay for medicine. Geez, that's a lot of money for a kid to pay to get his medicine! The gang says that the newcomer needs to stop acting like a punk, since the princess of the zheng family is starting to help people too. They say that the sky league is no one's business, since it's not their father's. They also say that if the newcomer can't pay, he'll have to go to the university and become a member of the gang.
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