This chapter opens with a description of the martial warrior scum, named Luo feng, who is a member of no school or faction. He can defeat all the heroes meeting and also severely defeat yin wang. This is too absurd, says Senior Dongfang, and he must be sent to find his origin. He also asks if the daughter of zheng family is really from the same family as the blade of the demon zheng tu. The answer is no. The top priority is to destroy the sects. This time, the skeleton abyss, the blood ice abyss and the canyon abyss, will join forces and send the strongest with the aim of destroying half of them. So this time, you will be delayed in your punishment. The entrance of the school is followed by a discussion between the two students. The first student, named qian, is very sharp and can defeat the heroes. The second, named luo feng is a normal student. He is part of the "hell team" in the Xuanyuan court, the "incredible king of hell" , "yama" and the "intangible jade raksha" . He wants to join the team, but senior yungxiao insists that he is just a student. The two students discuss the code name of the team. It turns out that the master only knew that he was from the Hell team because he did not know who the student was. He asks the student to reveal his true identity, and if he wins, he will not ask his identity again. The student says that he will go out and show him what he has. He says that if he is really a normal first grade bright vigor, his attack will be impossible.
This chapter opens with a description of the martial warrior scum, named Luo feng, who is a member of no school or faction. He can defeat all the heroes meeting and also severely defeat yin wang. This is too absurd, says Senior Dongfang, and he must be sent to find his origin. He also asks if the daughter of zheng family is really from the same family as the blade of the demon zheng tu. The answer is no. The top priority is to destroy the sects. This time, the skeleton abyss, the blood ice abyss and the canyon abyss, will join forces and send the strongest with the aim of destroying half of them. So this time, you will be delayed in your punishment. The entrance of the school is followed by a discussion between the two students. The first student, named qian, is very sharp and can defeat the heroes. The second, named luo feng is a normal student. He is part of the "hell team" in the Xuanyuan court, the "incredible king of hell" , "yama" and the "intangible jade raksha" . He wants to join the team, but senior yungxiao insists that he is just a student. The two students discuss the code name of the team. It turns out that the master only knew that he was from the Hell team because he did not know who the student was. He asks the student to reveal his true identity, and if he wins, he will not ask his identity again. The student says that he will go out and show him what he has. He says that if he is really a normal first grade bright vigor, his attack will be impossible.