The third young master arrives at the duke's house, where the duke is waiting for him. He tells the young master that he has come to report that the prisoner has rejected him. The young master tells the duke that he will report back to the general at the palace. The duke is in a great mood, but he is not sure how he is going to tell his mother about the proposal. He wants to know how the marriage will resolve his identity issues, and he hopes that his mother will agree. The wedding preparation checklist is handed over to the groom.
The third young master arrives at the duke's house, where the duke is waiting for him. He tells the young master that he has come to report that the prisoner has rejected him. The young master tells the duke that he will report back to the general at the palace. The duke is in a great mood, but he is not sure how he is going to tell his mother about the proposal. He wants to know how the marriage will resolve his identity issues, and he hopes that his mother will agree. The wedding preparation checklist is handed over to the groom.