The emperor's secret guard tells the emperor that he has found the girl. The emperor asks the guard how long he has been guarding the emperor, and the guard tells him that he joined when he was three years old. When the emperor asks how old he is, the guard says that he is already 18 years old, so the prime minister did not mention anything about his marriage. The shen family, the emperor tells the guard, is loyal to him, and if he is interested in a future girl, he will help him arrange for it. The duke's residence, when can he end this acting? When the duke returns, the maids must make sure that the girl is the one he likes the best.
The emperor's secret guard tells the emperor that he has found the girl. The emperor asks the guard how long he has been guarding the emperor, and the guard tells him that he joined when he was three years old. When the emperor asks how old he is, the guard says that he is already 18 years old, so the prime minister did not mention anything about his marriage. The shen family, the emperor tells the guard, is loyal to him, and if he is interested in a future girl, he will help him arrange for it. The duke's residence, when can he end this acting? When the duke returns, the maids must make sure that the girl is the one he likes the best.