In this short scene, we are introduced to a young woman named Chen-tinging, who is in love with a young man named Ming-tingling. The two of them are engaged in a flirtatious conversation, which is interrupted by the arrival of Ming's older brother, Senior Lu, who has just received a letter informing him that he has been selected to participate in a design competition. Senior Lu invites Ming to join him for a dinner party at his home, and Ming agrees.
In this short scene, we are introduced to a young woman named Chen-tinging, who is in love with a young man named Ming-tingling. The two of them are engaged in a flirtatious conversation, which is interrupted by the arrival of Ming's older brother, Senior Lu, who has just received a letter informing him that he has been selected to participate in a design competition. Senior Lu invites Ming to join him for a dinner party at his home, and Ming agrees.