The next morning, the two men go for a walk. When they arrive at the park, the men are surprised to find that it's been a while since they've seen each other. They're not used to each other's company, and they don't know how to greet each other, but they're glad to see each other again. The two men talk about how much they hate each other and how they'd do anything for each other if they didn't hate one another. The men joke that they'll have a fight if they can't get along.
The next morning, the two men go for a walk. When they arrive at the park, the men are surprised to find that it's been a while since they've seen each other. They're not used to each other's company, and they don't know how to greet each other, but they're glad to see each other again. The two men talk about how much they hate each other and how they'd do anything for each other if they didn't hate one another. The men joke that they'll have a fight if they can't get along.