The Governess and the Governess's servant, Fang, are on their way to a doctor's appointment when they run into each other on the street. Fang asks why he hasn't told him about his return from the war. Fang says he's been away for a few days and doesn't want to tell him about it. The two of them hug each other tightly, and Fang declares that he'll "shield" Fang if he gets spotted on the sidewalk. He's not lying, he says.
The Governess and the Governess's servant, Fang, are on their way to a doctor's appointment when they run into each other on the street. Fang asks why he hasn't told him about his return from the war. Fang says he's been away for a few days and doesn't want to tell him about it. The two of them hug each other tightly, and Fang declares that he'll "shield" Fang if he gets spotted on the sidewalk. He's not lying, he says.