Protect My Star

Protect My Star • Chapter 90 • Page ik-page-2536036
Protect My Star • Chapter 90 • Page ik-page-2536021
Protect My Star • Chapter 90 • Page ik-page-2536052
Protect My Star • Chapter 90 • Page ik-page-2536026
Protect My Star • Chapter 90 • Page ik-page-2536042
Protect My Star • Chapter 90 • Page ik-page-2536018
Chapter 90
This is a locked chapterChapter 90
About This Chapter
In this short scene, the audience is introduced to the female lead, who is introduced as the "sister" of the "brother" in the show. She is a "bossy yander" who has fallen in love with the "half-brother" , who has returned from the "overseas" with his "stubborn, crazy, and yandery" half-sister. The audience is also introduced to a number of other characters, including the "crazy" and "yandere," who will appear in eight episodes of the show
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Protect My Star

Protect My Star • Chapter 90 • Page ik-page-2536036
Protect My Star • Chapter 90 • Page ik-page-2536021
Protect My Star • Chapter 90 • Page ik-page-2536052
Protect My Star • Chapter 90 • Page ik-page-2536026
Protect My Star • Chapter 90 • Page ik-page-2536042
Protect My Star • Chapter 90 • Page ik-page-2536018
Chapter 90
This is a locked chapterChapter 90
About This Chapter
In this short scene, the audience is introduced to the female lead, who is introduced as the "sister" of the "brother" in the show. She is a "bossy yander" who has fallen in love with the "half-brother" , who has returned from the "overseas" with his "stubborn, crazy, and yandery" half-sister. The audience is also introduced to a number of other characters, including the "crazy" and "yandere," who will appear in eight episodes of the show
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