In this short scene, we are introduced to a young woman named Zillah, who is in love with a young man named Lu, and who has just returned from a trip to the amusement park. Zillah asks the young man if he would like to buy her a present for her birthday. The young man says yes, and Zillah tells him that she will buy him a gift for his "baby" . The two exchange pleasantries, and the young woman tells Zillah that she wants to make him a bracelet to wear on his birthday
In this short scene, we are introduced to a young woman named Zillah, who is in love with a young man named Lu, and who has just returned from a trip to the amusement park. Zillah asks the young man if he would like to buy her a present for her birthday. The young man says yes, and Zillah tells him that she will buy him a gift for his "baby" . The two exchange pleasantries, and the young woman tells Zillah that she wants to make him a bracelet to wear on his birthday