In this short scene, we are introduced to a young woman named Beatriz, who has just arrived in New York City. We learn that she is the daughter of a grand duke and that she has come to New York to visit her father. Beatriz introduces herself as "my cousin" , and we learn that her name is "linda" . We also learn that Beatriz's father is "grand duke" and that her mother is the "queen" of New York society. We are also introduced to "Canon," a young man who is a member of the New York Society for the Advancement of Science and Engineering, and who we learn is "familiar with local customs, practices, and traditions." Beatriz asks linda if she would like to be her guide, and linda says that she does not need a guide, as she is familiar with
In this short scene, we are introduced to a young woman named Beatriz, who has just arrived in New York City. We learn that she is the daughter of a grand duke and that she has come to New York to visit her father. Beatriz introduces herself as "my cousin" , and we learn that her name is "linda" . We also learn that Beatriz's father is "grand duke" and that her mother is the "queen" of New York society. We are also introduced to "Canon," a young man who is a member of the New York Society for the Advancement of Science and Engineering, and who we learn is "familiar with local customs, practices, and traditions." Beatriz asks linda if she would like to be her guide, and linda says that she does not need a guide, as she is familiar with