In this chapter, we are introduced to the world of food criticism, and we learn that the only thing that separates the best food critics from the rest of the world is their taste buds. In other words, if you're a good cook, you'll be a great food critic. We learn that food critics are the ones who are really good at judging food, and that's why they're so good at criticizing food in the first place. This is the first time we've heard anyone say that taste buds are more important than taste buds when judging food. We're also introduced to a new character named "Chloe" , who's a food critic's assistant. We find out that she's just as good as the other food critics, but she doesn't have as good a taste for food as the others. She's also a bit of a perfectionist, and she wants to make sure that the food she reviews isn't bad. She wants to be able to tell the difference between different kinds of vegetables, so that she can tell which ones are good and which ones aren't. She also wants to know how much of each ingredient is used to make a dish, so she can compare it to other ingredients. We also learn that cooking skills are important, too, but not as important as taste buds, so we're not really sure what Chloe's point is. She tells us that if she were to become a good food critic, she'd be one of the best cooks in the world.