Min-joon asks if he can do him a favor. He wants to know how far he'll go in the next mission. He promises to keep his promise. The mission is to identify all of the 20 ingredients in a bag of tofu. The three people with the most matched ingredients are eliminated. If there are three people who do not match even one of the ingredients, then they will be eliminated as well. The tasting will be in order of the pouch's number, so that the lucky 7 will be able to take the bag with the fewest ingredients. Min-jon asks if it's better to finish the mission in a hurry. He sees that he's confident. The first step is to ask selena to come forward and tell him how she's feeling about the ingredients. She says that there are paprikas, broccolis, clams, prawns, and tofu in the bag. She also says that the ingredients are not easy to recognize just by tasting them. The next step is for min-jon to ask him if he'd like to release a hidden place of origin. He doesn't know about this. The tofu bag contains beet shoots, coriander shoots, bamboo shoots, duck eggs, pistachio shoots, chaga-mushrooms, zucchinis, pork hinds, octopuses, herrings, red-peppers, vermicellis, tofu, perillas, potatoes, lotus-root, quality: high average ingredients cooking skills 4/10. The bag contains beets, dharma shoots,bamboo shoots,duck-eggs,puppets,