The servants prepare the food and place it in the proper order. They use a knife to cut it and a finger to place it on the table. The servants laugh at the sight of Cai Mingxu, who is clearly upset. He tells Cai that he has two choices: Either he leaves and comes back to him on his own, or he will make him aware of the kind of person he really is. If he leaves, he will have him if he leaves him, but he will not take Cai back if he does not pay him what he owes him. He will go check on him in case he loses his way
The servants prepare the food and place it in the proper order. They use a knife to cut it and a finger to place it on the table. The servants laugh at the sight of Cai Mingxu, who is clearly upset. He tells Cai that he has two choices: Either he leaves and comes back to him on his own, or he will make him aware of the kind of person he really is. If he leaves, he will have him if he leaves him, but he will not take Cai back if he does not pay him what he owes him. He will go check on him in case he loses his way