The next morning, the two men go to the grave of their dead parents. They talk about Kiyomi and how hard it is for her to get a boyfriend. Kiyo says that he is glad that his grandfather raised her like a boy. He says that since her parents have passed away, she has been raised as if she were a girl. The two men talk about how much they admire each other and how they have come to visit their parents' graves to compete in a tournament. When Kiyo asks if he is okay, taruna says he is. He tells Kiyo that when he first came to visit his parents' grave, he bet with her and she hated him. He apologizes for his behavior and says he hopes she will forgive him and accept his feelings. He also says that they will be visiting the grave next of sakura. He asks for his blessing to be Kiyo's partner in the tournament.
The next morning, the two men go to the grave of their dead parents. They talk about Kiyomi and how hard it is for her to get a boyfriend. Kiyo says that he is glad that his grandfather raised her like a boy. He says that since her parents have passed away, she has been raised as if she were a girl. The two men talk about how much they admire each other and how they have come to visit their parents' graves to compete in a tournament. When Kiyo asks if he is okay, taruna says he is. He tells Kiyo that when he first came to visit his parents' grave, he bet with her and she hated him. He apologizes for his behavior and says he hopes she will forgive him and accept his feelings. He also says that they will be visiting the grave next of sakura. He asks for his blessing to be Kiyo's partner in the tournament.