The next time you're reading a comic, it's time for you to prove that you've been shot. You're a dead shot, right? Well, that's what we're going to call you. We'll call you a "box" for now, because we've got a new nickname for you: "the voice" . This is the voice of a guy who's just been ambushed by a bunch of other dudes. It's not just the guy who got shot, though: it was the dude who got run over by a speeding bullet. The guy's name is "the runner" , and he's the one who was shot in the guts. The
The next time you're reading a comic, it's time for you to prove that you've been shot. You're a dead shot, right? Well, that's what we're going to call you. We'll call you a "box" for now, because we've got a new nickname for you: "the voice" . This is the voice of a guy who's just been ambushed by a bunch of other dudes. It's not just the guy who got shot, though: it was the dude who got run over by a speeding bullet. The guy's name is "the runner" , and he's the one who was shot in the guts. The