This is a locked chapterChapter 51 Rebellious Period and Chinese Cabbage
About This Chapter
In this short scene, we learn that inuzuka plans to spend the next year spending time with his sister and brother-in-law. He asks his sister if she thinks they need cute presents for the new year. She already has a letter from her mother recommending that they get in, and he asks his brother if he would like to go visit Ellie. He also asks his uncle if he should buy some boots for them. The brothers grumble that they need to buy some food, and the uncle mutters that he's going to get some boots. Inuzuka tells his brother that he needs to keep his money so he won't have to spend it on alcohol. He tells his uncle that they can't go home drunk if they don't get home drunk. He says that he doesn't know whether he likes his father or not, but that it's very important for a child to stand on his own two feet. In the meantime, they make a chicken and cabbage dish.