Sweetness and Lightning

Sweetness and Lightning • Chapter 13 Summer Vacation, Cats, and Aji • Page ik-page-771355
Sweetness and Lightning • Chapter 13 Summer Vacation, Cats, and Aji • Page ik-page-771378
Sweetness and Lightning • Chapter 13 Summer Vacation, Cats, and Aji • Page ik-page-771352
Sweetness and Lightning • Chapter 13 Summer Vacation, Cats, and Aji • Page ik-page-771368
Chapter 13 Summer Vacation, Cats, and Aji
This is a locked chapterChapter 13 Summer Vacation, Cats, and Aji
About This Chapter
The chapter opens with a description of a summer vacation for the two cats. They've decided to take a swim in the ocean, and they're eager to show the fish they've caught to their new friend, shinobu. They ask him how to fillet fish, and he shows them how to make namerou, which is a fish dish that's made with fresh fish. He also shows them a recipe for sangayaki, a Japanese dish made with minced meat and vegetables. The two cats are super excited to show their friend the fish.
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Sweetness and Lightning

Sweetness and Lightning • Chapter 13 Summer Vacation, Cats, and Aji • Page ik-page-771355
Sweetness and Lightning • Chapter 13 Summer Vacation, Cats, and Aji • Page ik-page-771378
Sweetness and Lightning • Chapter 13 Summer Vacation, Cats, and Aji • Page ik-page-771352
Sweetness and Lightning • Chapter 13 Summer Vacation, Cats, and Aji • Page ik-page-771368
Chapter 13 Summer Vacation, Cats, and Aji
This is a locked chapterChapter 13 Summer Vacation, Cats, and Aji
About This Chapter
The chapter opens with a description of a summer vacation for the two cats. They've decided to take a swim in the ocean, and they're eager to show the fish they've caught to their new friend, shinobu. They ask him how to fillet fish, and he shows them how to make namerou, which is a fish dish that's made with fresh fish. He also shows them a recipe for sangayaki, a Japanese dish made with minced meat and vegetables. The two cats are super excited to show their friend the fish.
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