The Governess and the Governess's servant, the coach, are talking in broken English about a swimming pool that they have just seen. The coach, who has come to check out the pool, is pleased to find that the pool is not yet open. He asks if she knows that it is not open right now, and she says that she did not. The Governesses response is that she does not know, but that she can still hear the coach's voice through the pool's silence. The two men discuss the fact that people in Europe are very passionate about sex and skin, and that they value women's desires above all else.
The Governess and the Governess's servant, the coach, are talking in broken English about a swimming pool that they have just seen. The coach, who has come to check out the pool, is pleased to find that the pool is not yet open. He asks if she knows that it is not open right now, and she says that she did not. The Governesses response is that she does not know, but that she can still hear the coach's voice through the pool's silence. The two men discuss the fact that people in Europe are very passionate about sex and skin, and that they value women's desires above all else.