The Governess is pleased to see that the Governess looks as she always does. She tells him that she is glad to see him looking as he always does and that she will be going with him. She asks him where he is and he tells her that he is going to the sea. When she asks him why he is there, he says that he cannot see well since he is not wearing his glasses. He is sorry that he got into the room by mistake. He says that the other customers are coming in and that he will get out right away
The Governess is pleased to see that the Governess looks as she always does. She tells him that she is glad to see him looking as he always does and that she will be going with him. She asks him where he is and he tells her that he is going to the sea. When she asks him why he is there, he says that he cannot see well since he is not wearing his glasses. He is sorry that he got into the room by mistake. He says that the other customers are coming in and that he will get out right away