The Governess and the Governess's servant chatter as they prepare to leave the station. The two exchange pleasantries about their new surroundings and about each other's personalities. They discuss where they would like to go for the first time, and then they decide to look around for a while before they set off. The servant says that he has a friend who knows a lot about the area, and he has learned a lot from her. The Governesses's friend tells her that she has been able to cover a lot more ground than she thought, and that she will soon be able to visit her parents.
The Governess and the Governess's servant chatter as they prepare to leave the station. The two exchange pleasantries about their new surroundings and about each other's personalities. They discuss where they would like to go for the first time, and then they decide to look around for a while before they set off. The servant says that he has a friend who knows a lot about the area, and he has learned a lot from her. The Governesses's friend tells her that she has been able to cover a lot more ground than she thought, and that she will soon be able to visit her parents.