Even though he's drunk, Carrol still wants to have sex. He's still wearing a neck lace, he says, even though he doesn't want anyone else to know about it. Carrol is so drunk that he can't stop talking to himself. He asks everyone to come and have a drink with him. He tells them to be quiet and to be careful around Carrol's body, because he might notice if they touch him too much. He also asks them to hold on to him so he can go pee. He says he'll be fine, but then he asks if he can touch Carrol a little more, and if he touches him a little too much, he might not be able to see if he does. He then asks if she's from his lover, and she says no, and then she asks if it's a necklace from a friend, and he says yes. She then asks him to keep the necklace a secret, because she knows about it
Even though he's drunk, Carrol still wants to have sex. He's still wearing a neck lace, he says, even though he doesn't want anyone else to know about it. Carrol is so drunk that he can't stop talking to himself. He asks everyone to come and have a drink with him. He tells them to be quiet and to be careful around Carrol's body, because he might notice if they touch him too much. He also asks them to hold on to him so he can go pee. He says he'll be fine, but then he asks if he can touch Carrol a little more, and if he touches him a little too much, he might not be able to see if he does. He then asks if she's from his lover, and she says no, and then she asks if it's a necklace from a friend, and he says yes. She then asks him to keep the necklace a secret, because she knows about it