Celestial Destroyer - Scroll of White Silk Cloud • Chapter 31 Part 1 • Page ik-page-4471719
Chapter 31 Part 1
This is a locked chapterChapter 31 Part 1
About This Chapter
The three-tailed fox chases after the monster, but the girl is able to use her magical weapon, the emblem of the mythical blaze, to her advantage. The young man wonders why the fox keeps asking about the well, and the young man tells him that he has just seen a mountain of golden fruit. He wonders if the well is connected to the full moon, and he wonders if it is the Black Rock cave. He tells his grandfather that they must kill the monster before it can harm them.
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Celestial Destroyer - Scroll of White Silk Cloud • Chapter 31 Part 1 • Page ik-page-4471719
Chapter 31 Part 1
This is a locked chapterChapter 31 Part 1
About This Chapter
The three-tailed fox chases after the monster, but the girl is able to use her magical weapon, the emblem of the mythical blaze, to her advantage. The young man wonders why the fox keeps asking about the well, and the young man tells him that he has just seen a mountain of golden fruit. He wonders if the well is connected to the full moon, and he wonders if it is the Black Rock cave. He tells his grandfather that they must kill the monster before it can harm them.
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