Celestial Destroyer - Scroll of White Silk Cloud • Chapter 26 Part 1 • Page ik-page-4471600
Chapter 26 Part 1
This is a locked chapterChapter 26 Part 1
About This Chapter
In this chapter, we meet a young man named Zhang Xiaofan, who is a disciple of the renowned martial arts sect, the Qingyun. The young man asks Zhang if he is a martial artist, and the young man tells him that he is. He also tells Zhang that he has a wish that he hopes Zhang can help him fulfill. He has always admired martial artists like Zhang, and it is a pity that he never had the opportunity to become one himself. He then shows him his magical weapon, which is a blood-sucking black stick. The black stick was once an extremely male object, but it is now called a soul reaper.
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Celestial Destroyer - Scroll of White Silk Cloud • Chapter 26 Part 1 • Page ik-page-4471600
Chapter 26 Part 1
This is a locked chapterChapter 26 Part 1
About This Chapter
In this chapter, we meet a young man named Zhang Xiaofan, who is a disciple of the renowned martial arts sect, the Qingyun. The young man asks Zhang if he is a martial artist, and the young man tells him that he is. He also tells Zhang that he has a wish that he hopes Zhang can help him fulfill. He has always admired martial artists like Zhang, and it is a pity that he never had the opportunity to become one himself. He then shows him his magical weapon, which is a blood-sucking black stick. The black stick was once an extremely male object, but it is now called a soul reaper.
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