The monster tells Zhang that he's still alive, but that everything hurts. He says that he remembers being attacked by the snake, and that he has to fight the monster. The monster says that the shape of his body hurts so much that his bones are crushed. He also says that if he hadn't been attacked, he would've been eaten by the water monster. Zhang grabs the monster and tells him that they're safe in the cave. He tells the monster that the rockslide has buried them alive. He's glad that he didn't let the snake eat him back then, because he'd be dead right now.
The monster tells Zhang that he's still alive, but that everything hurts. He says that he remembers being attacked by the snake, and that he has to fight the monster. The monster says that the shape of his body hurts so much that his bones are crushed. He also says that if he hadn't been attacked, he would've been eaten by the water monster. Zhang grabs the monster and tells him that they're safe in the cave. He tells the monster that the rockslide has buried them alive. He's glad that he didn't let the snake eat him back then, because he'd be dead right now.