In this short scene, the audience is introduced to a young protagonist who has just been introduced to the world of vampires. The protagonist is shocked to find that the entire audience has been staring at him for so long that his skin crawls with sweat. He feels that he has been cheated out of his birthright and that he is being treated like a "snobbish brat" by the audience. He is so disgusted by the way the audience has treated him that he decides to leave the room.
In this short scene, the audience is introduced to a young protagonist who has just been introduced to the world of vampires. The protagonist is shocked to find that the entire audience has been staring at him for so long that his skin crawls with sweat. He feels that he has been cheated out of his birthright and that he is being treated like a "snobbish brat" by the audience. He is so disgusted by the way the audience has treated him that he decides to leave the room.