In this short scene, the patient moans to her masseur that he's making her come in with his fingers around her waist. He's watching her, and she's freaking out. She's also freaking out because the pain in her legs is getting worse. The masseur tries to get her to move, but she can't, and the pain's getting so bad that she has to lie down on the ground. The nurse tries to comfort her, but the patient won't listen. Finally, the nurse gets up and leaves.
In this short scene, the patient moans to her masseur that he's making her come in with his fingers around her waist. He's watching her, and she's freaking out. She's also freaking out because the pain in her legs is getting worse. The masseur tries to get her to move, but she can't, and the pain's getting so bad that she has to lie down on the ground. The nurse tries to comfort her, but the patient won't listen. Finally, the nurse gets up and leaves.