The Guy Inside Me

The Guy Inside Me • Chapter 69: Want to Break the Rule with Me? • Page ik-page-4077733
The Guy Inside Me • Chapter 69: Want to Break the Rule with Me? • Page ik-page-4073806
The Guy Inside Me • Chapter 69: Want to Break the Rule with Me? • Page ik-page-4073807
Chapter 69: Want to Break the Rule with Me?
This is a locked chapterChapter 69: Want to Break the Rule with Me?
About This Chapter
In this chapter, the young narrator tries to solve a problem that he can't figure out: how to woo a guy named "sheng xu" . He's cold, the air is really cold, and he's trying to watch a horror movie at night. He wants to "interlock" with the guy's fingers. He gives the guy a "rating" of 8 out of 10 when he returns, but he still wants to kiss him. He tells the guy that the atmosphere of the theater is "particularly scary" , and that if he refuses him, he'll "keep pestering" him. If he doesn't, he says, "I'll just confess to him." He says that he asked the guy out on purpose and that he picked the movie on purpose. He asks the guy to do more things with him at the theater, and the next time they meet, he promises to "pursue" the guy.
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The Guy Inside Me

The Guy Inside Me • Chapter 69: Want to Break the Rule with Me? • Page ik-page-4077733
The Guy Inside Me • Chapter 69: Want to Break the Rule with Me? • Page ik-page-4073806
The Guy Inside Me • Chapter 69: Want to Break the Rule with Me? • Page ik-page-4073807
Chapter 69: Want to Break the Rule with Me?
This is a locked chapterChapter 69: Want to Break the Rule with Me?
About This Chapter
In this chapter, the young narrator tries to solve a problem that he can't figure out: how to woo a guy named "sheng xu" . He's cold, the air is really cold, and he's trying to watch a horror movie at night. He wants to "interlock" with the guy's fingers. He gives the guy a "rating" of 8 out of 10 when he returns, but he still wants to kiss him. He tells the guy that the atmosphere of the theater is "particularly scary" , and that if he refuses him, he'll "keep pestering" him. If he doesn't, he says, "I'll just confess to him." He says that he asked the guy out on purpose and that he picked the movie on purpose. He asks the guy to do more things with him at the theater, and the next time they meet, he promises to "pursue" the guy.
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