The Guy Inside Me

The Guy Inside Me • Chapter 14: Can't Be Under Zhan Shao • Page ik-page-3969996
The Guy Inside Me • Chapter 14: Can't Be Under Zhan Shao • Page ik-page-3921623
The Guy Inside Me • Chapter 14: Can't Be Under Zhan Shao • Page ik-page-3921624
Chapter 14: Can't Be Under Zhan Shao
This is a locked chapterChapter 14: Can't Be Under Zhan Shao
About This Chapter
The next day, the students have a competition to find the "most beautiful student" in their class. The students are divided into three groups, and each group has to choose a student to represent them in the competition. The first group chooses the most beautiful student, the second chooses the student with the best grades, and the third chooses the person with the highest average. The winners of each group will be announced at the end of the school day.
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The Guy Inside Me

The Guy Inside Me • Chapter 14: Can't Be Under Zhan Shao • Page ik-page-3969996
The Guy Inside Me • Chapter 14: Can't Be Under Zhan Shao • Page ik-page-3921623
The Guy Inside Me • Chapter 14: Can't Be Under Zhan Shao • Page ik-page-3921624
Chapter 14: Can't Be Under Zhan Shao
This is a locked chapterChapter 14: Can't Be Under Zhan Shao
About This Chapter
The next day, the students have a competition to find the "most beautiful student" in their class. The students are divided into three groups, and each group has to choose a student to represent them in the competition. The first group chooses the most beautiful student, the second chooses the student with the best grades, and the third chooses the person with the highest average. The winners of each group will be announced at the end of the school day.
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