The Guy Inside Me

The Guy Inside Me • Chapter 53: Rooftop Hug • Page ik-page-4018832
The Guy Inside Me • Chapter 53: Rooftop Hug • Page ik-page-4016472
The Guy Inside Me • Chapter 53: Rooftop Hug • Page ik-page-4016473
Chapter 53: Rooftop Hug
This is a locked chapterChapter 53: Rooftop Hug
About This Chapter
This chapter begins with a ring ring ring, which is a symbol for a group of students who have completed their homework. The ring ring is a reminder to the students that they have thirty seconds to complete their homework before the class is to begin again. The students are interrupted by a discussion on the roof, during which the students discuss whether or not they should continue to hug each other after the class has ended.
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The Guy Inside Me

The Guy Inside Me • Chapter 53: Rooftop Hug • Page ik-page-4018832
The Guy Inside Me • Chapter 53: Rooftop Hug • Page ik-page-4016472
The Guy Inside Me • Chapter 53: Rooftop Hug • Page ik-page-4016473
Chapter 53: Rooftop Hug
This is a locked chapterChapter 53: Rooftop Hug
About This Chapter
This chapter begins with a ring ring ring, which is a symbol for a group of students who have completed their homework. The ring ring is a reminder to the students that they have thirty seconds to complete their homework before the class is to begin again. The students are interrupted by a discussion on the roof, during which the students discuss whether or not they should continue to hug each other after the class has ended.
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