The Guy Inside Me

The Guy Inside Me • Chapter 55: Some Sort of Talent • Page ik-page-4018846
The Guy Inside Me • Chapter 55: Some Sort of Talent • Page ik-page-4016513
The Guy Inside Me • Chapter 55: Some Sort of Talent • Page ik-page-4016514
Chapter 55: Some Sort of Talent
This is a locked chapterChapter 55: Some Sort of Talent
About This Chapter
Before the match, Gu arranges for a pre-game interview with the champion of the school's four-school team. Gu introduces him to the other reporters and asks them to take a photo of him first. He then tells the story of how he won the title last year. He says that he won too quickly, so he didn't really have time to think about it. This year, he says, he wants to reflect on himself. He wants to participate in the four school league so that he can express his ambition of winning the title this year. Gu tells the students to memorize a paragraph from the book and recite it to their team leaders after class.
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The Guy Inside Me

The Guy Inside Me • Chapter 55: Some Sort of Talent • Page ik-page-4018846
The Guy Inside Me • Chapter 55: Some Sort of Talent • Page ik-page-4016513
The Guy Inside Me • Chapter 55: Some Sort of Talent • Page ik-page-4016514
Chapter 55: Some Sort of Talent
This is a locked chapterChapter 55: Some Sort of Talent
About This Chapter
Before the match, Gu arranges for a pre-game interview with the champion of the school's four-school team. Gu introduces him to the other reporters and asks them to take a photo of him first. He then tells the story of how he won the title last year. He says that he won too quickly, so he didn't really have time to think about it. This year, he says, he wants to reflect on himself. He wants to participate in the four school league so that he can express his ambition of winning the title this year. Gu tells the students to memorize a paragraph from the book and recite it to their team leaders after class.
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