The servant tells the master that he has sent a letter of complaint to the emperor, but that they cannot just sit and do nothing. He says that the injured prince needs to be brought to him, and that the best time to do so is now. He asks the master if he is sure that the man will act tonight, but the master says that he is not sure. He tells the servant that if he leaves now, he may spare him, but if he does not leave now, the master will spare him. The servant asks who sent him there, and the master replies that he thought he could earn some money, but he has been screwed.
The servant tells the master that he has sent a letter of complaint to the emperor, but that they cannot just sit and do nothing. He says that the injured prince needs to be brought to him, and that the best time to do so is now. He asks the master if he is sure that the man will act tonight, but the master says that he is not sure. He tells the servant that if he leaves now, he may spare him, but if he does not leave now, the master will spare him. The servant asks who sent him there, and the master replies that he thought he could earn some money, but he has been screwed.