In this chapter, we learn that the Wild Boar has been captured by a band of bandits. The Wild Boar's father is worried about his son's safety. He tells the boy to go to the forest and find out who the bandits are. The boy agrees to go, but warns his father that he will be in danger if he goes alone. The Black Flag Gang is also in the forest, so the boy must stay with them for the night. The leader of the Black Flag gang asks the boy where he is, and the boy tells him that his sword has been taken from him. He asks the leader to kill him, but the leader refuses to do so, saying that they were paid ten times their price to kill the boy. He says that they will not let the boy go, and that the air of the forest is "full of poisonous smoke." The leader asks if the silver has been delivered to him, and he says that he has not heard from the leader. He then asks if there has been any news of the battle between the imperial forces and the bandits.