When the emperor goes out for a walk, he meets his future wife in the forest. They have a good time talking, and the queen mother does not like her. The queen mother tells the emperor that if he becomes emperor, she will allow him to marry his daughter. The day he ascends the throne, the queen's mother takes the emperor's chair and brings it to the palace. The emperor is shocked to find that the king knows who he is. The king asks the emperor not to associate with the queen, but the emperor says that the past is past, and that he should leave the past alone. He goes to put medicine out of Queen's door so that she will be able to see it tomorrow.
When the emperor goes out for a walk, he meets his future wife in the forest. They have a good time talking, and the queen mother does not like her. The queen mother tells the emperor that if he becomes emperor, she will allow him to marry his daughter. The day he ascends the throne, the queen's mother takes the emperor's chair and brings it to the palace. The emperor is shocked to find that the king knows who he is. The king asks the emperor not to associate with the queen, but the emperor says that the past is past, and that he should leave the past alone. He goes to put medicine out of Queen's door so that she will be able to see it tomorrow.