When the prince arrives at the scene of the crime, he finds the coroner, who tells him that the crime was committed by a man with tea stains on his coat. The coroner tells the prince that he found pieces of clothing at the crime scene, but that it was not enough to prove that the murderer was a woman. The prince asks the coroner if there were two suspects, but the coroner says that there were only one and that the other suspect was a man.
When the prince arrives at the scene of the crime, he finds the coroner, who tells him that the crime was committed by a man with tea stains on his coat. The coroner tells the prince that he found pieces of clothing at the crime scene, but that it was not enough to prove that the murderer was a woman. The prince asks the coroner if there were two suspects, but the coroner says that there were only one and that the other suspect was a man.