In the afterlife, Gu Xing's soul is reunited with his son, who is also in the afterlife. Gu Xing explains that the place where Gu Xing and his son reunited was once the home of the ancient gods, who ruled over the heavens for a billion years before they died. The place is full of the legacy of Gu Xing, and Gu Xing believes that it is a portal through which he can come to the afterlife and "cultivate." Gu Xing is angry at the people who insulted his highness, and he tells them to go find another place to call their own. He tells them that they are not the only ones who have arrived, and that he will not stop them from acquiring the "legacy" from the place. He is afraid that the girl in the tree is not as normal as her appearance suggests, and so he will deal with her. He also tells the people to stop the other guy from the tree, because he is not from the city of lightning judgment, but from a distinguished and distinguished family. He says that he needs to finish the battle as quickly as possible, and urges the peasants to help him.
In the afterlife, Gu Xing's soul is reunited with his son, who is also in the afterlife. Gu Xing explains that the place where Gu Xing and his son reunited was once the home of the ancient gods, who ruled over the heavens for a billion years before they died. The place is full of the legacy of Gu Xing, and Gu Xing believes that it is a portal through which he can come to the afterlife and "cultivate." Gu Xing is angry at the people who insulted his highness, and he tells them to go find another place to call their own. He tells them that they are not the only ones who have arrived, and that he will not stop them from acquiring the "legacy" from the place. He is afraid that the girl in the tree is not as normal as her appearance suggests, and so he will deal with her. He also tells the people to stop the other guy from the tree, because he is not from the city of lightning judgment, but from a distinguished and distinguished family. He says that he needs to finish the battle as quickly as possible, and urges the peasants to help him.