Askr Yggdrasil's Wood • Chapter 132 • Page ik-page-3691820
Chapter 132
This is a locked chapterChapter 132
About This Chapter
This chapter's epigraph comes from the famous nursery rhyme The Three Musketeers. It's about a boy who's lost his connection with the world, and he's running away from his father's house. He's got no idea what's going on, and his father has no idea either. The kid is running away because the glasses machine has shut down the place, and there's nothing left to do with the particles. The only thing that can stop the kid is his father, and that's why he'
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Askr Yggdrasil's Wood • Chapter 132 • Page ik-page-3691820
Chapter 132
This is a locked chapterChapter 132
About This Chapter
This chapter's epigraph comes from the famous nursery rhyme The Three Musketeers. It's about a boy who's lost his connection with the world, and he's running away from his father's house. He's got no idea what's going on, and his father has no idea either. The kid is running away because the glasses machine has shut down the place, and there's nothing left to do with the particles. The only thing that can stop the kid is his father, and that's why he'
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