Askr Yggdrasil's Wood • Chapter 25 • Page ik-page-2659428
Chapter 25
This is a locked chapterChapter 25
About This Chapter
This chapter's epigraph is from the play's opening soliloquy, "What's Happening With This Vibration?" . It's a reference to a recurring theme in the play, which is that the "present moment" is not the end of the world, but rather the beginning of a new one. In this case, it's the present moment that's
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Askr Yggdrasil's Wood • Chapter 25 • Page ik-page-2659428
Chapter 25
This is a locked chapterChapter 25
About This Chapter
This chapter's epigraph is from the play's opening soliloquy, "What's Happening With This Vibration?" . It's a reference to a recurring theme in the play, which is that the "present moment" is not the end of the world, but rather the beginning of a new one. In this case, it's the present moment that's
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