This chapter's epigraph comes from a famous line from Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet. It's a line that says, "I'll tell you more when I take your mind out of you, including the minds of your fellow friends." This is a famous quote from Shakespeare, and it's also one of the most famous lines in all of Shakespeare. It goes something like this: "If I were you, I'd tell you that you're not worthy of love. You're too stupid to know what love is
This chapter's epigraph comes from a famous line from Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet. It's a line that says, "I'll tell you more when I take your mind out of you, including the minds of your fellow friends." This is a famous quote from Shakespeare, and it's also one of the most famous lines in all of Shakespeare. It goes something like this: "If I were you, I'd tell you that you're not worthy of love. You're too stupid to know what love is