Askr Yggdrasil's Wood • Chapter 87 • Page ik-page-3538915
Chapter 87
This is a locked chapterChapter 87
About This Chapter
It's clear that the machine is to blame for all that's happened. Ayr and Forseti have to go back to find out who asked for him to survive. They don't have a return request yet, so they're not sure if she's still alive or dead. Talone notices her voiceprint and sends a command to close the Yggdrasil. She's dead, he says, and it's because of him.
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Askr Yggdrasil's Wood • Chapter 87 • Page ik-page-3538915
Chapter 87
This is a locked chapterChapter 87
About This Chapter
It's clear that the machine is to blame for all that's happened. Ayr and Forseti have to go back to find out who asked for him to survive. They don't have a return request yet, so they're not sure if she's still alive or dead. Talone notices her voiceprint and sends a command to close the Yggdrasil. She's dead, he says, and it's because of him.
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