In this chapter, we learn that the young master, cynnie, has been searching for the missing man, fei xi, and that he has finally found him. The young master thanks fei for his hard work, and asks lin if he is willing to cooperate. lin says that humans have been using this technique for dealing with amnesia, and lin believes that lin can trust him completely. He explains that xi and fei were able to remove the traces of their teleportation by using the lines left behind by zier, but lin still needs to use the lines to get to the mansion. . He tells lin that he is the one who has used the lines on him in his memory, and he is glad lin is aware of this. He says that he will help lin in any way he can, but he will not touch the male lin he brought back, since lin did not answer the question correctly the last time he tried to steal lin at the entrance of the mansion, and because lin does not want to touch the female lin , he does not dare to do so this time.
In this chapter, we learn that the young master, cynnie, has been searching for the missing man, fei xi, and that he has finally found him. The young master thanks fei for his hard work, and asks lin if he is willing to cooperate. lin says that humans have been using this technique for dealing with amnesia, and lin believes that lin can trust him completely. He explains that xi and fei were able to remove the traces of their teleportation by using the lines left behind by zier, but lin still needs to use the lines to get to the mansion. . He tells lin that he is the one who has used the lines on him in his memory, and he is glad lin is aware of this. He says that he will help lin in any way he can, but he will not touch the male lin he brought back, since lin did not answer the question correctly the last time he tried to steal lin at the entrance of the mansion, and because lin does not want to touch the female lin , he does not dare to do so this time.