This chapter opens with a description of the axata family, which is composed of a young master, a young apprentice, and a young sister. The young apprentice is the secretary of the family, and the young sister is the apprentice of the young master. The apprentice tells the apprentice that he is the one who slapped and stripped his brother, and that he would like to be the secretary in the future, although he is only in high school. He also says that he will use magic himself to check whether his sister is a lin, or not. He says that if there is a reverberation on his sister, she will be able to escape, whereas his chances of being lin will be much lower. This is the result he least wants. He asks the apprentice to send his sister back safely, but the apprentice says he must go to the mansion of zier, and he is glad to know that his sister does not have a part in the curse.
This chapter opens with a description of the axata family, which is composed of a young master, a young apprentice, and a young sister. The young apprentice is the secretary of the family, and the young sister is the apprentice of the young master. The apprentice tells the apprentice that he is the one who slapped and stripped his brother, and that he would like to be the secretary in the future, although he is only in high school. He also says that he will use magic himself to check whether his sister is a lin, or not. He says that if there is a reverberation on his sister, she will be able to escape, whereas his chances of being lin will be much lower. This is the result he least wants. He asks the apprentice to send his sister back safely, but the apprentice says he must go to the mansion of zier, and he is glad to know that his sister does not have a part in the curse.