The song begins with a soliloquy by a young woman named cynnie, who has just woken up from a nightmare. She tells the story of how she cursed her lover, Lin, and how she dreamed about a young man named Xun. She asks the young man why he cursed Lin. The young man tells her that he has been offered a reward by two parties, one offering money for the person who kills Lin and the other offering money to anyone who finds Lin. . The old man tells the young woman that the lines are so complicated that it is not possible to use magic to "locate" the person. He also says that even if the lines were eliminated, there would be no guarantee of "absolute safety." The young woman asks the old man if he was there when Lin cursed, and he says that he was, but that they cannot tell her the whole story. She wants to know what happened, so she asks him if he can tell her what happened. He tells her the story, but he says it is too dangerous. He wants to go back and collect clues, so he asks the lawyer named Herman Rorschach if he is a client of Lin's. The lawyer says that she is, and that she has come to help a client, who is being imprisoned by his former husband. She apologizes
The song begins with a soliloquy by a young woman named cynnie, who has just woken up from a nightmare. She tells the story of how she cursed her lover, Lin, and how she dreamed about a young man named Xun. She asks the young man why he cursed Lin. The young man tells her that he has been offered a reward by two parties, one offering money for the person who kills Lin and the other offering money to anyone who finds Lin. . The old man tells the young woman that the lines are so complicated that it is not possible to use magic to "locate" the person. He also says that even if the lines were eliminated, there would be no guarantee of "absolute safety." The young woman asks the old man if he was there when Lin cursed, and he says that he was, but that they cannot tell her the whole story. She wants to know what happened, so she asks him if he can tell her what happened. He tells her the story, but he says it is too dangerous. He wants to go back and collect clues, so he asks the lawyer named Herman Rorschach if he is a client of Lin's. The lawyer says that she is, and that she has come to help a client, who is being imprisoned by his former husband. She apologizes